Dear Rich Arab: Marcus' Mattress
Dear Rich Arab,
My name is Marcus.I used to live in New Orleans, that is until that b--ch Katrina came along. Damn Hurricane claimed more of my property than my first wife, that be includin' my my Sealy-Posterior-Perfect bed and that be just wrong (see photo, I held on long as I could)! I've been talkin, writin, & speakin to all sorts of charities for months now and aint no one actin... they all be slow as molasses in 'helping' us people... Ain't no man deserve to have his 'love boat' ripped away like that...
Well Marcus, from the photo the mattress certainly looks more boat than bed, and the fact that help has been so slow, well, allow me to be Captin Actin. I have made arrangements for a new bed and Adbullah X will coordinate stateside. Sweet Dreams!
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